Learn to Sew Manual
Would you like to save yourself hundreds
of pounds by being able to make your own
curtains and soft furnishings?
Or a dress for that special occasion?
Don’t know where to start?
Can’t sew a stitch?
Wouldn’t know one end of a
sewing machine from another?
Help is at hand!!
Learn all the basic sewing techniques in
the comfort of your own home with our
easy to follow Home Sewing Manual!
Step by step guide on how your sewing machine works and
how to set it up, thread it and use it.
Learn and practice simple techniques for seams, hems, darts,
zips, waistbands etc.
All the information you need to make lined or unlined curtains
for whatever the size of window you require.
Learn how to read, understand and use a dress pattern with tips
on how to get the right fit.
With practice, perseverance and enthusiasm,
who knows what you might achieve!
All this in a simple, easy to follow manual, with techniques and simple projects
to practice along the way.
£9.50 for PDF download